Friday, January 14, 2011

Tower Bridge.White Chapel

The one day I decide not to bring my good camera because I feel like I've been caring around a small person in my bag - is the day we go to the Tower Bridge and I regret not lugging it around. I really liked walking around the grounds of the Tower Bridge and then walking over it. That was also the same day that we walked past city hall. The crown jewels to me must be fake. Just like I don't think thats the real Mona Lisa at the Louve. It just didnt seem like a bunch of old men could take down someone if they tried to steal the crown jewels. It didnt seem guarded enough for something so priceless. After we walked over the Tower Bridge we head to the Fashion and Textile Museum. There we saw an exhibtion by Sue Timney. Very Geometric and lots of patterns. Black and white. Clocks and calendars play in the patterns. A really interesting way to exhibit work. Walls were black and white stripped and her work was printed on the walls. Chairs were hanging from the ceiling.

We then headed over to the Whitechapel Gallery. My favorite piece at the Whitechapel Gallery was Mona Hatoum's Current Disturbance. Her installation is based on sound and the sight. The sounds reminds me of powerlines. and the visual was really interesting to me. It reminded me of a chicken coop. There were rows stacked that made a rectangular shape of lightbulbs inside caged boxes. Again, the singular that helps make up the whole. Together the sound and visual lights pulsated the dark room. As the sound became more obnoxios the lights got brighter. In each cage was one single light, the single strand of wires that were attached to each lightbulb all hung down the back and together they made a big mess in the center of the box. Each light might of not been the same brightness but they all stood alone to help make the whole.

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