Sunday, January 2, 2011


So as I sit here in the airport waiting my plane to board.. Im anxious and excited all at the same time. I think I've been talking about this for what feels like so long that it hasnt really it me that I'm going to be in London for 2 weeks. To put my life on hold and cram a semesters worth of a class in 2 weeks. there's going to be alot of work ahead of me but also alot of fun and plenty of art to see. I've been to London before, that being 6 years ago. I was only there for a day so there is not a whole lot I remember about London. My sister and I cramed as much as possible into one day because that was all that we had. At the same time.. I'm looking back at where I was in my life at that time. To think how much things can change in 6 years. How much one can learn about themselves. The stuggles yet the laughter. How last time in London, which was my first time in Europe, how it was an amazing experience. And how all of a sudden the world seemed so much bigger and the hunger to see the world grew. I'm excited to be inspired by new things while in London. To drink espresso at cafes.. or am I going to have to make a change to tea.. Theres alot to think about. Not knowing what to expect from this class and looking at the itinary for each day is quite alot. I already miss my boyfriend, cat, his dogs, my phone (hahah) well here's to the beginning of my blogging and the beginning of my trip! xoxo

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